Thursday, July 21, 2011

Casual Gaming Looks to Influence AAA Developers in a Bad Way

I don't know about you, but I enjoy a single player game. One with real meat on it. Things to discover, places to see, stuff to do. Now, it looks like some developers are seeing the influx of casual gamers as a call to action to reduce the time needed to finish a game. Sure, L.A. Noire was repetitive, but it was story driven. I hope these guys see the error of their ways soon. Grab the session recap at Gamespot.


  1. Just seemed to me that once you figured out the quirks of the interviews, all you had to do was watch for those facial expressions, and you were home free.

  2. nice blog dude, keep it up!
    I am looking forward to read more of your stuff :)

  3. I like single gaming too. But nothing beats a good multiplayer strategy :D

  4. I dunno. It's more about making the games unreasonably easier nowadays. What would be use of making them shorter also?

  5. Dejavu? I think I've been here before.

  6. I didn't find LA Noire very intriguing to be honest.

  7. I agree, but i think short stories with lots of action, such as CoD, should make up the majority of games
