Friday, August 5, 2011

Haters Gonna Hate

Looks like Notch and crew (creator of Minecraft) got themselves into a little hot water with their new game Scrolls. Bethesda lawyers sent them a letter saying "Scrolls" infringes on their trademark, and could be confused for their game "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim." Notch tweeted about it here. Let's just hope that Bethesda's lawyers are just being lawyers and don't plan to actually pursue this obviously overreaching "infringement." Scrolls is a pretty broad word. Let's hope they don't decide they want to send letters to all of the platformers, since they're side-SCROLLing games, too.


  1. That sucks, hope it doesn't affect the release in any way.

  2. Thanks for the information, I love your blog.
    Keep up the good work!

  3. I doubt they could win in court. The laws on scrolls are pretty clear on this

  4. another reason why i love and hate laywers at the same time. Its fun to watch the bullshit they sometimes make but its insane that they are making money with that crap (mostly they do a good job but seriously, that is just stupid)

  5. Petty, litigious, and jealousy. All wrapped up in a douchebag.

  6. Ok, that's really pushing it. Since when did Bethesda become EA?

  7. nothing will happen, its just stupid xD

  8. That's pretty damn ridiculous. I want to slap Bethesda now.

  9. That's like the dumbest shit I've ever heard.
    Hope someone doesn't have "shit" patented. :/

  10. ugh this is like apple saying using the word "phone" infringes
