Friday, August 12, 2011

Serious Sam 3, Round 2

So I heard a lot of you say you liked the series, but may not have known about a new SS coming out. Well, here's the low down. Serious Sam 3 is the prequel to Serious Sam: The First Encounter. It's set around 22nd century Egypt, fighting similar enemies to those in the First Encounter, Mental's legion. There's really not a whole lot story wise about Sam 3 yet, but if the interest stays high, I may run with it as details are available.

I think the biggest draw to the series, however, is the multiplayer. I know I'm not alone when I say it looks like it's going to be one wicked match after another for me for the first few days after it drops. And of course, the split-screen, as was mentioned in the last post. Lastly, health does not regenerate, and there is no cover. You'll be scrambling for health pick-ups just like in the good ol' days.

Here's a Teaser Trailer for those that haven't seen it yet.

And for those that want to, but haven't played the series yet, the Steam link.